One of the results of the activity of the Latvian Quantum Initiative is the prepared specialists who know the technologies of the future and, therefore, using all their competences and opportunities. The partners of the initiative are involved in the creation of quantum technology studies and the improvement of existing study programmes.

As a part of the initiative, four study modules are being developed. They are being implemented at the University of Latvia (UL) and Riga Technical University (RTU). The modules are intended for students of different study levels – bachelors, masters, doctors and also students of continuing education programmes.

Each module consists of an offer of content-matched courses according to the chosen study level. The modules are included within the UL and RTU study programmes (Computer Science, Physics, Telecommunications, etc.) and each of these modules highlights the application of quantum technologies in the corresponding programme. Company specialists and other interested parties have the opportunity to learn individual module courses outside the study programme as an "attendee".

Theory of quantum computing

The main topic of the module is quantum algorithms and quantum computer software, covering both theory and programming of quantum algorithms. In addition to quantum algorithm courses, the module will also include content necessary for students to better understand the mathematical formalism of quantum computing (including both the mathematical formalism of quantum physics and elements of traditional computational theory). The module will be offered as part of the UL master's programme in Computer Science and is intended for different target audiences: interested parties who want to learn about a new field of science, employees of companies who will come into contact with quantum technologies and future researchers in this field.

Quantum programming

The module offers to learn the basics of quantum programming without specialised prior knowledge. In the creation of the module, the experience of the educational initiative QWorld of the UL Center for Quantum Computer Science was used, including cooperation with foreign partners. Necessary elements of higher mathematics and traditional programming are integrated into the content according to the complexity of the problems to be solved, and the quantum programmes. The implementation of the module is planned in the format of workshops, using specially developed interactive learning materials. Quantum programming principles, basic algorithms, and application demonstrations are learned sequentially according to the target level of learning depth (QBronze, QSilver, QGold).

Physics of quantum technologies

The module combines the competences of physics, engineering, materials science and mathematics, covering the operating principles, manufacturing technologies, current research and applications of semiconductor and photonic quantum devices. The module consists of general theoretical courses (e.g. quantum semiconductor devices, quantum optics) and specialised courses that are closely related to the research profile of the programme and use the infrastructure of Latvian Quantum Initiative partners, and the competences of high-level researchers. The module will be offered as a new direction of specialisation in the UL Physics master's study programme, and its elements – as competence-enhancing elective courses in other UL and RTU study programmes.

Quantum communication technologies

The module covers the field of quantum technologies for secure quantum communication, quantum networking and optical communication. An important component is the specially equipped teaching laboratory, which allows you to learn practical skills in the installation, use and research of quantum secure communication networks. The specialisation courses within the module are in accordance with the research profile of the partners in the direction of quantum communications and use the competences of high-level researchers of the initiative partners. The module will be offered as a new direction of specialisation in the study programmes of the RTU Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications, and its elements – as competence-enhancing elective courses in other RTU and UL study programmes.

Katrs modulis sastāv no saturiski saskaņotu kursu piedāvājuma atbilstoši izvēlētajam studiju līmenim. Moduļi ir iekļauti LU un RTU studiju programmās un katrs no šiem moduļiem iezīmē kvantu tehnoloģiju pielietojumu atbilstošāja programmā. Uzņēmumu speciālistiem un citiem interesentiem pastāv iespēja apgūt atsevišķus moduļa kursus ārpus studiju programmas “klausītāja” statusā.

Studiju moduļi izstrādāti projekta “Kvantu tehnoloģiju iniciatīva” (Nr. ietvaros, ko finansē Eiropas Savienības Atveseļošanas fonds un valsts budžets.