Aicinām uz projekta “Kvantu tehnoloģiju iniciatīva” kolokviju 2024. gada 29. oktobrī plkst. 16.30 Latvijas Universitātes Zinātņu mājas 501. auditorijā (5. stāvā).

Kolokvijā uzstāsies Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris/ CNRS (Francija) pētnieks Gerbold Menard.
Kolokvija tēma: The quantum Hall effect & the quantum radar

Kolokvijs notiks angļu valodā.

Lai prognozētu dalībnieku skaitu, lūdzam, aizpildīt pieteikuma anketu līdz 22. oktobrim:

Informācija par kolokviju (angļu valodā):

The quantum Hall effect is a striking manifestation of quantum properties that lead to a quantization of electrical transport in two-dimensional systems under a high magnetic field. This effect is also accompanied by the appearance of edge channels that act as 1D wires that conduct the current only on the edge of the sample. This behavior allows us to realize an Fabry-Perot interferometer that can be used to detect quantum radiation with a very high temporal resolution. In this presentation I will discuss the fundamentals of the quantum Hall effect and the underlying physical phenomena and then describe our recent experiment [1] that demonstrates the principle of the radar in these systems.

[1] Bartolomei, Hugo, et al. "Time-resolved sensing of electromagnetic fields with single-electron interferometry." arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.12903 (2024).

