Ikgadējais forums "5G Techritory" šogad norisināsies 30. un 31. oktobrī, pulcējot vadošos telekomunikāciju nozares, politikas, akadēmiskās vides un biznesa vides pārstāvjus. Forumā piedalīsies vairāk nekā 90 runātāju un vairāk nekā 500 dalībnieku, kā arī 1500 dalībnieki tiešsaistē.

Šī gada foruma tēma “Tehnoloģijas, kas veido rītdienas teritoriju” koncentrēsies uz reālas vērtības un taustāmu rezultātu gūšanu. Liela daļa uzmanības šogad pievērsta uz koprades pasākumiem/ Plānoti vairāk nekā 10 koprades pasākumi, tostarp koprades pasākums "Kvantu tehnoloģiju ainava: reģionālās sadarbības un inovāciju veicināšana", ko organizē Latvijas Kvantu iniciatīvas komanda.

Dalība pasākumā ir bez maksas, taču iepriekšēja reģistrācija ir obligāta.

Latvijas Kvantu iniciatīvas komandas organizētie pasākumi (angļu valodā):

The Quantum Technology Landscape: Catalyzing Regional Collaboration and Innovation

October 30,

As quantum technologies move from theoretical research to practical applications, they are poised to revolutionize industries and redefine our technological landscape. Join us for a co-creation event focusing on the transformative power of quantum technologies and their role in shaping the future of innovation and regional cooperation. Focus points of the event:

  • National Quantum Initiatives and Regional Synergy: Delve into how national quantum initiatives and other projects are transforming regional cooperation, driving innovation, and setting new benchmarks.
  • Building Strong Regional Networks: Uncover the dynamic roles of coordinators, participants, and partners in forging robust regional networks that accelerate the pace of quantum advancements and collaborative projects.
  • Latvia at the Quantum Forefront: Celebrate the strategic importance of hosting the QIP conference in Latvia, spotlighting the nation’s leadership and the collaborative spirit of the Nordic countries and Europe in pushing the boundaries of quantum research and technology.

The event will be held in a moderated roundtable discussion format featuring invited speakers. Observers will have a chance to listen in and ask questions. We particularly invite representatives from the healthcare, finance, defense, maritime and connectivity sectors to join the event.

Location – ATTA Centre, Event Room “M”

Invitation-only event.
For more information, please e-mail to Zane Čerpakovska (zane.cerpakovska@lu.lv)

Quantum Technologies in Europe: Trends, Goals, Progress, and Collaboration

October 31,
10:30 - 11:20
Innovation & Technology Stage


Vyacheslavs Kashcheyevs, Professor, University of Latvia
Gerbold Ménard, Researcher, CNRS
Milja Kalliosaari, Government Relations Manager, IQM Quantum Computers
Katie Low, Policy Officer, European Commission
Andris Ambainis, Professor, University of Latvia

  • The latest advancements in quantum technologies, and how European countries are contributing to global quantum research and innovation.
  • How are European policies shaping the development and adoption of quantum technologies and what political challenges and opportunities exist for advancing quantum technologies in Europe?
  • The main objectives and priorities of the European Quantum Declaration and how national projects synergize with them.
  • Importance of ecosystem cooperation for the advancement of quantum technologies in Europe.

This session will be streamed on live.5gtechritory.com


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