Aicinām uz projekta “Kvantu tehnoloģiju iniciatīva” kolokviju 2025. gada 14. aprīlī plkst. 12.00 Latvijas Universitātes Zinātņu mājas 501. auditorijā (5. stāvā). Kolokvijā uzstāsies Eiropas kodolpētījumu organizācijas CERN Ženēvā, Šveicē pētnieks Michael Doser.

Kolokvija tēma: Anti-matter experiments at CERN: pulsed production of antiprotonic systems for precision tests of fundamental symmetries. 

Informācija par kolokviju (angļu valodā):

The production of cold antihydrogen atoms at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator (AD) has opened up the possibility to perform direct measurements of the Earth's gravitational acceleration on antimatter bodies. This is the main goal of the AEgIS collaboration: to measure the value of g using a pulsed source of cold horizontally travelling antihydrogen via a moiré deflectometer/Talbot-Lau interferometer. The first milestone of pulsed production of antihydrogen [1] using a resonant charge-exchange reaction between cold trapped antiprotons and Rydberg positronium (or Ps, the atomic bound state of a positron and an electron) atoms, and the techniques it relies on, will be presented, with a view to the first gravitational experiments using a pulsed beam of antihydrogen in the near future. Further physics directions in AEgIS relying on similar pulsed interactions in positronium [2] or between antiprotons and Rydberg atoms and molecules will also be touched upon, as they open up unexplored venues in nuclear physics, searches for dark matter, production of low energy antineutrons and novel precision tests of fundamental symmetries, inter alia in Rydberg hydrogen-like Highly Charged Ions.

[1] C. Amsler et al. (AEgIS collaboration), Pulsed production of antihydrogen, Commun. Phys. 4, 19 (2021)
[2] L.T. Glöggler et al. (AEgIS Collaboration),
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.083402

Lai prognozētu dalībnieku skaitu, lūdzam, aizpildīt pieteikuma anketu līdz 2025. gada 10. aprīlim:

Pirms prezentācijas paredzēta kafija no plkst. 11.30.

Projektu “Kvantu tehnoloģiju iniciatīva” (Nr. finansē Eiropas Savienības Atveseļošanas fonds un valsts budžets.

Pasākuma laikā notiks fotografēšana un filmēšana, materiāli tiks izvietoti Latvijas Kvantu iniciatīvas sociālajos medijos un tīmekļa vietnē. 
